High-Quality, Thoughtful and Practical Design Solutions For Commercial and Industrial Clients

Emergency Vehicle Storage Building-Camp Murray, WA

Washington State Military Department
Camp Murray, WA
Area: 800 Square feet
Type: Industrial
Situated adjacent to the State of Washington Emergency Response facility at Camp Murray. This building houses one of the emergency vehicles used for mobile emergency communications. This building gives the WMD the ability to do minor electronics testing and repairs to the vehicle and their communications equipment, as well as providing a protective shelter for the vehicle. The main structure is a pre-engineered metal building, which was customized with conventional wall framing and horizontal metal siding to blend with the surrounding facilities.
The usual ZEE girt framing was removed, and replaced with metal-stud wall framing, allowing for increased thermal insulation and the use of conventional materials for an enhanced interior appearance.

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All rights reserved © Castino Architecture
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
site by daily-Solutions.com